Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Ubuntu Christian Edition

You may have noticed the increasing popularity of Ubuntu as an alternative PC operating system to Windows. Ubuntu is a version of Linux, and is free, open-source software.

Now there is a Christian version of Ubuntu: Ubuntu Christian Edition.

Ubuntu CE is based on standard Ubuntu, but includes a range of Christian software:
"Along with the standard Ubuntu applications, Ubuntu Christian Edition includes the best available Christian software. The latest release contains GnomeSword, BibleMemorizer, the e-Sword Installer with Module Manager, The Word Installer, Firefox Web Browser with Bible Fox Theme, and much more."
It is possible to install Ubuntu alongside Windows on the same machine. There are various ways of doing this: using virtualization software, burning a live CD, or using a Windows installer. A standard installation of Ubuntu can be converted to Ubuntu Christian Edition.

1 comment:

John said...

Thank you for dropping by my blog !